Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The REAL Christmas Photo

It was THAT time of year again. The annual holiday photo for the Christmas card. For me, it is almost as fun as getting a root canal. After making the boys actually comb their hair, we headed out the door. On the way to the photo shoot, we pray. This ordeal will require the help of the Holy Spirit.

Meanwhile, I am dreaming of the perfect family photo. Our four boys smiling beautifully and looking in the direction of the camera. Nelson and I... looking younger than ever... then reality hits! After dozens of shots, changing positions, and begging Marcus to LOOK at the camera, all of a sudden we smell this horrible odor. Troy looks down embarrassed and slightly amused. Alex and Nicolas discuss who did it, which then results in an all out argument. Meanwhile, Marcus just holds his nose. The outcome of this precious family moment is the beautiful photo that accompanies this note. Notice that Nelson and I are still commited to the perfect family photo despite the horrible smell and the argument in the background.

And then I got to thinking, isn't that just the way it is at Christmas? We usually come into the season with these beautiful illusions of the perfect holiday celebration, or the picture perfect family and then somebody makes a stink in one way or another and reality hits.

Can you just imagine that Mary felt the same way during the very first Christmas season? Surely she had illusions of having her baby in a decent setting rather than a stable for animals. Then the innkeeper made a stink about "no room" and well...reality hit. Yet God chose to give the most precious gift of all in the midst of the reality of our imperfect and fallen world.

For a lot of us; reality hits this Christmas season. Perhaps your Christmas illusion is tainted by the economy, or by a broken relationship, or by the fact that a loved one is gone from your holiday celebration. Yet let me assure you that in the midst of our cruel reality the most amazing gift of all is given. The hope of the world is with us-- EMMANUEL. And that hope has nothing to do with whether or not we have somehow managed to roast chestnuts on an open fire and dress our children in matching pajamas.

So today me and my boys will be celebrating that HOPE and Joy that has come into the reality of our crazy world. And with all the food and fun, you can be sure that someone will probably make a stink.

Nelson and I would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and may you experience Emmanuel ("God with us") during this festive season and all through the coming year.

Rennae, Nelson, Troy, Alexander, Nicolas and Marcus

Assemblies of God missionaries serving in Dominican Republic