Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Modern Day Slave Trade

The First Lady of Dominican Republic recently spoke out on the atrocity of trafficking and its implications on our island. Check out this article and then view my comments below.

“The Dominican Republic holds the dubious honor of occupying one of the top three slots in the Americas for its modern day slave trade. An estimated 50,000 Dominican women are estimated to be victims of human trafficking, and this figure does not include either men or children. According to Diario Libre, in her address to a seminar ‘Protection of persons affected by the slave trade’, First Lady Margarita Cedeno de Fernandez said that this exploitation of migrant women is a crime against the state and its victims are mostly the result of poverty, sexual or racial discrimination, marginalization and unequal development. The First Lady emphasized that the elimination of the people trafficking in all its manifestations is an urgent necessity and a high priority. The keynote speaker listed the factors that promote this treatment of human beings, mentioning economic difficulties, social violence, crime, the hope of a better life in developed countries ! and trickery by people in these countries. In order to eliminate the slave trade, it is necessary to eliminate these causes.
The First Lady pointed out the need to create a well-thought out, well-conceived strategic national plan of action in order to fight this most lucrative of crimes. She said that the Dominican Republic has been trying to combat the slave trade since 1999, starting with the creation of the Inter-Institutional Committee for the Protection of Immigrant Women (CIPROM) which was set up under Decree 97-99 and regulated by law 137-03 which outlaws such dealings.
US ambassador Robert Fannin said that the United States has urged the Dominican government to intensify its efforts to investigate and punish anyone who traffics in human beings, especially government officials of any rank.”

Dona Cedeno believes that “in order to eliminate the slave trade, it is necessary to eliminate the causes”. (i.e. poverty, violence, crime, deceptions, and the hope of a better life in developed nations) While I agree that these are issues that must be addressed, I know with all my heart that the real cause of the slave trade is a sin issue that can only be eliminated by a SAVIOR. With all my heart I am convinced that the only REAL hope for a girl caught up in the bondage of human trafficking is through the SUPERNATURAL authority of God Almighty, His risen and redeeming Son, and the power of the Holy Spirit. So while I support every effort by the government to do what needs to be done, my heart longs to see a Spirit-filled, empowered CHURCH rise up in this issue. and bring the power of the Holy Spirit into the brothel, and to be the hands and feet of Jesus redeeming a red light district.

I will give you the treasures of darkness,
riches stored in secret places,
so that you may know that I am the LORD,
the God of Israel, who summons you by name Isaiah 45:3

Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Source is the Same...

As we near the end of our year of itineration ministry, we are in our last big push to raise funds. Fund raising is not may favorite part of this ministry gig. But it is a necessary part. And God has always been faithful.
Last year I was so nervous and worried about the whole process of setting up our missions services. One day as I was praying the Lord reminded me that He was my source. Not the churches. Not the pastor. Not my communication ability. Not even the current US economy. He alone was my source so it didn't matter if I scheduled a service in a big church or a small home missions church. He has always been our provider and he remains to be Jehovah Jireh. Our source is always the same.
This past January our family had the privilege of going to Philadelphia, PA and learn about the history of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. We came back from that trip inspired to write our own Declaration. Ours is a Declaration of Dependence.
I thought that I should share it on my blog, especially since we still lack the necessary funds to return in August. Our target date is the 18th of August. I find that I need to remind myself about that word from the Lord. (everytime we fill up the gas tank.) You, my dear reader, may need to hear it as well. Your Source is still the same.

de Freitas Family Declaration of DEpendence
God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.
Glory to God in the church!
Glory to God in the Messiah, in Jesus!
Glory down all the generations!
Glory through all millennia!
Oh, yes!
Ephesians 3:20 (MSG)

We believe
That the same God who provided a financial miracle for the provision for the purchase of Cima del Rey will provide it again.
We believe
That the current state of the economy in the USA bears no influence on the economy of heaven.
We believe
That the provision for us to return to the Dominican Republic does not depend upon our talents, abilities, or our opportunities.
We believe
That every offering and ministry opportunity is a testimony to the working of the Spirit within us and the Glory goes to God alone.
We believe
And stand upon the truth of Ephesians 3:20 that we serve a God who can do anything and can do far more than we could ever imagine, or guess, or request in our wildest dreams.
We believe
That no matter WHERE we go—bigchurch /little church, big crowd/ small crowd, no matter who the pastor is, or what the circumstances or the situation
Our Source is the same.
Signed and respectfully declared, this 24th day of the year of our Lord two thousand and eight,
Nelson, Rennae, Troy, Alexander, Marcus and Nicolas de Freitas