Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Impossible Tasks

Here in Dominican Republic it is not uncommon to see all kinds of things being transported in unusual ways.

I have seen a family of six riding on a small motorcycle.

I have seen seven children going to school on a motorcycle.

I have seen a washing machine strapped to a motorcycle.

I have seen 20ft bundles of rebar being dragged by the passenger on the motorcycle.

I have seen tricycles, bikes, that served as the local garbage collectors piled so high that the driver could not see what was in front of him.

But in my humble missionary opinion this photo wins the prize. I love it!For me it is the perfect metaphor for our lives and ministry at this moment. Here we are given a task that just seems impossible to accomplish given the resources that we possess.

On our island slavery is a HUGE issue. Over 300,000 children are enslaved through forced labor or prostitution. I am just trying to save 27.

Drug abuse and drug trafficking are out of control. Just a few days ago, Yudi, one of our missions students, got a call saying that her brother was murdered by drug traffickers. Now she has two brothers that are dead because of drugs. Yudi is the ONLY Christian in her whole family. We are committed to see this one young, spirit filled women be the transformational generation in her family.

There are still 6,620 unreached people groups in the world. In India alone there are 2,190 unreached people groups. Misael and Deborah, newly appointed missionaries from Dominican Republic have a passion to reach just one of these groups. They are presently raising support from our Dominican churches to go. Our job is to train them to go and train our churches to send these missionaries.

So given such a sizable task, we can sit and look at this big job and complain about the economy and how few resources we have, or we can put the car on the bike and make it happen. We choose to make it happen.

What is your impossible task? Are you waiting for the economy to improve before you make it happen? Are you waiting for the perfect timing and better circumstances when all the while if you just took a chance on what you you had right in front of you, your mustard seed could actually MOVE A MOUNTAIN.

"I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." --Jesus in Luke 17:20


David said...

As a mission chair of an Assemblies of God church in Maple Grove, Minnesota I am so heartened to find missionaries caring for "the least of these". I know our AG is first and foremost evangelist in nature, but the humanitarian efforts must continue to show the love our Holy Spirit gives us. Give me an email about your mission there in DR.

David said...

My email address is dweir0140@charter.net